
According to the EU 2025 Strategy, more unity, stronger and For a more democratic European Union, meeting common European values and embracing the European identity is an important way. In this context, the main goal of our project:

  • Our students realize that the diversity they live in is richness and that they can play games with friends from different languages and cultures.
  • Development of cultural competences, language competences and digital competences that will enable our teachers to unite in diversity
  • Strengthening the EU dimensions of our institutions and bringing our students from various cultural backgrounds under the umbrella of a common European identity is to combine.

The objectives that are expected to be achieved in the context of the priorities of the project are as follows:
The goals we expect to be realized in our schools in the context of inclusion and diversity in education and training are:

  1. Our schools, whose student profile is diverse, recognize diversity as richness, gain an intercultural vision, and develop the annual plans of the partners in this direction.
  2. A fair, egalitarian, tolerant, open and inclusive school climate that does not leave any student behind in line with the SDG 4 goal to create
  3. Bringing innovative methods towards the “Integration Approach” in education and training to the institution curriculum.
  4. Our teachers and students develop greater understanding and positive attitudes towards social, linguistic and cultural diversity, 25% increase in acceptance and adoption
  5. Developing the curricula of partner schools to meet the needs of disadvantaged people

European identity citizenship and values; In the context of awareness priorities about the European Union, our goals are:

  • Strengthening our students' understanding of the EU at an early age and creating a sense of belonging
  • Unification in diversity with a common EU identity